计算机科学assignment代写-COSC 331代写

计算机科学assignment代写-COSC 331代写

COSC 331 Project 1

Mar. 12, 2019

计算机科学assignment代写 The server will first start up and choose a port number. Then the server prints out its IP address and port number.

When: This project is due by Apr. 14 (Midnight), 2019. Please start working on your project early or you won’t have enough time to finish it. You can ask the Instructor for help but not for debugging your code.

Goal: Chatting with someone requires the use of SMS text messaging or a server-based Instant Messenger (IM) service such as AIM or Google. What if you want to chat with someone that is nearby (that is, within the same room or otherwise within the same WiFi hotspot or Ethernet domain that you are part of)? Why use a heavyweight service such as SMS or IM?

For your first project you will develop a “local chat” program whereby you can chat directly with a nearby user and implement it in a Windows, Linux, or Android application program. The “local chat” program should be implemented using a client/Server model based on UDP protocol.


Requirements:  计算机科学assignment代写

The requirements of this “local chat” program must meet are:

  1. The chat is performed between a client and a server.
  2. The server will first start up and choose a port number. Then the server prints out its IP address and port number.
  3. The client then will start up and create a socket based on the information provided by the server.
  4. Now the client and the server can chat with each other by sending messages over the network.
  5. The client/server MUST be able to communicate with each other in a continuous manner. (e.g. One side can send multiple messages without any replies from the other side)
  6. There is no requirement on what language you use to implement this project, but your program should call upon the socket API for UDP to realize the functionality.
  7. You can either select to implement this project all by yourself or find AT MOST one partner to work with you. For example, either you or your partner can implement the client/server. You will get extra points if you work on this project all by yourself.  计算机科学assignment代写
  8. You should demonstrate your project using two machines (one for the client and one for the server). If you want to use the lab machines for demonstration, you should notify the instructor beforehand when you need to access the lab machines.

Submission: Submit your project via the Blackboard on or before midnight of the assignment due date. Submit a hardcopy of your code in a WinZip archive individually. For example, if you are responsible for the client (server) side, you should submit the code for the client (server) side. Your submission should contain the names of both you and your partner along with the code. In addition to the submission of the hardcopy, you should also demonstrate your project to the instructor on two machines.

Grading:  计算机科学assignment代写

The server prints correct information of its IP address and port number — 20 points

The client successfully creates a UDP socket based on the information provided by the server — 30 points

The client and the server can chat with each other in a continuous manner — 50 points

Total: 100 points.

Extra points: If you complete the project all by yourself, you will be evaluated based on total 110 points.


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