Cultural Differences Report代写-BUSN71-705代写
Cultural Differences Report代写

Cultural Differences Report代写-BUSN71-705代写


Cultural Differences Report and Presentation

Cultural Differences Report代写 Key headings and such as major corporate or business cultural issues and discussion in Australia and your home country

Assessment Type: Class Participation  Cultural Differences Report代写

Assessment Weight: 30%

  1. Written Report:  20%
  1. Presentation: 10%

Due Date:

  1. Written Report:Week 4 (Friday 4pm)
  2. Presentation Slides:  Week 5 (During class)

Task: Students are to undertake research on cultural aspects of Australian business and corporate culture. The assessment of your report and presentation is worth 30% of your overall grade.Students should compare how the Australian business cultural aspect is different from the same aspect in your home country.

Students should outline to the lecturer the key cultural aspects you plan to study.Your comparisons will be useful if you focus on areas which will require you to adjust to this new cultural aspect in Australia (or already have whilst studying, e.g., informal addressing management), how life is in the country you are planning to embark upon a full-time career.

Cultural Differences Report代写
Cultural Differences Report代写

Report Structure:  Cultural Differences Report代写

Prepare a 2000-word academic report on this comparative review for presentation in week 5’s lecture (The report component is due Friday of Week 4.

The report should be academic format including:

– Cover page including student name, number, date and topic

-Introduction and executive summary

-Index    Cultural Differences Report代写

-Key headings and such as major corporate or business cultural issues and discussion in Australia and your home country

-Key learnings for your future career

-The report should be bound with appropriate headings, page numbers and references throughout


Presentation Structure: Your presentation should be professional (using PowerPoint or similar together with any other relevant materials) and be 10 minutes in duration. (The presentation slides are due in class of Week 5).

Please also be prepared for questions to be posed during or following your presentation to which you will be expected to respond.


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Cultural Differences Report代写
Cultural Differences Report代写
