代写金融线性计量经济学-Linear Econometrics代写

代写金融线性计量经济学-Linear Econometrics代写

BU.232.620 (Linear Econometrics for Finance)

Homework 2

代写金融线性计量经济学 Suppose we only change the unit of yi to percentage points, i.e., the IBM stock return yi will be 5 for the 5% monthly return.

1.For the SLR model yi = 0 + 1xi + ui , with yi as the IBM stock return and xi as the market return (CAPM) that are both in original units, e.g., 0.05 means 5% monthly return.  代写金融线性计量经济学

  • Suppose we only change the unit of xi to percentage points, i.e., the market return xi will be 5 for the 5% monthly return. Does this change the values of

β0 , and β1 ? If so, by how much?

Answer: Changing the unit of ; to percentage points means we multiply x; byAnswer:100, with the new regressor defined as z; = 100.;. Let the new regression model be

Compare this regression equation to the original regression yi = , + i + ui,we have

Therefore. the value of 6, does not change, while that of , get divided by 100  代写金融线性计量经济学

  • Suppose we only change the unit of yi to percentage points, i.e., the IBM stock return yi will be 5 for the 5% monthly return. Does this change the values of β0 ,and β1 ? If so, by how much?  代写金融线性计量经济学

Answer:Changing the unit of yi to percentage points means we multiply yi by 100. with the new regressand defined as gi = 100y. Let the new regression model be

which is equal to

Compare this regression equation to the original regression yi = + Bi + ui,we have


Therefore, the values of both 6, and 6, get multiplied by 100.

  • Do the two changes of units above make R2different? Use the definition of R2to prove it.

Proof: We have by definition:

In the first case, i.e., changing the unit of x; to percentage points, we observe fromabove that neither y; or y changes. As a result the denominator does not changeIn the numerator, we just need to show y; does not change, which follows from  代写金融线性计量经济学

where we used

which follows from the sample counterpart of (2)In the second case, i.e.. changing the unit of y to percentage points, the denominator of R2is . Then we just need to show gets multiplied by 100, which follows from the sample counterpart of (1).


2.For the SLR model yi = 6x; + ui, i.e., regression without intercept,.  代写金融线性计量经济学

  • Use the OLS principal to derive the OLS estimator of 6, for this model.

Answer: The OLS minimization problem is:

Taking the first order derivative, we have


Then the OLS estimator is

  • Compare the OLS estimator for this regression with that for the regression withintercept. Under what conditions are the two estimators equal to each other?

Answer: From the OLS, we have the estimator for SLR as


Therefore, for β∼=β∼, we need x = 0.


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