Midterm 2 Practice Quiz
加拿大Midterm代考推荐 For each style.css document, below, in what font color(s) do the text “paragraph 1” andparagraph 2″appear?
Quiz Instructions
This quiz isn’t worth any points. It’s just for review/practice.
Question 1 加拿大Midterm代考推荐
For each of the following git operations, indicate whether the operation can modify (i) thelocal working tree, (ii) the local index, (ii) the local store, and/or (iv) the remote store.Note, an operation might modify more than one of these.
2. commit
4. push
5. fetch
7. merge (without conflicts)
8. merge (with conflicts)
Question 2
Consider the following Ruby code:
y = Array.new 3,} x = y[e] # Line 1 x[:a] ="b" # Line 2 Part 1. At line 1, what is the (object) value of x and y?
Part 2. At line 2 what is the (object) value of x and y?Part 3. Justify your answer to part 2. That is, explain why x and y have the values youreported above.
Question 3
What is the output of the following Ruby code?
def foo(count,base)count.times doli puts i yield i * base if (i % base == @)end end foo(5,2)[|v puts"base - #[v}”}
Question 4 加拿大Midterm代考推荐
Name four HTTP verbs used in HTTP requests.
Which of these verbs should not affect the server’s state?
Which of these verbs should be idempotent?
What is meant by the term “idempotent”?
The following questions are all based on this HTML document:
<!DOCTYPE htm1> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8” /> <title>Document</title> <link rel="stylesheet” href="style.css” /></head> <body> <div class="top"> <p id="hot">paragraph 1</p> <p id="cold">paragraph 2</p> </div> </body> </htm1>
For each style.css document, below, in what font color(s) do the text “paragraph 1” andparagraph 2″appear? 加拿大Midterm代考推荐
body { color: blue; #p{ color: green; .top {color: red;
paragraph 1:
paragraph 2:
body { color: blue; p.top { color: green; p hot ( color: red; #top { color: yellow;
paragraph 1:
paragraph 2
body ( color: blue; div.top { color: green; p { color: red; #cold { color: yellow;
paragraph 1:
paragraph 2:
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Consider a JavaScript object with keys first, last, and score, representing a student. Thevalues of first and last are both strings (for first and last name respectively), while thevalue of score is an integer.
For example: {first:”Paul”, last: “Sivilotti”, score: 35]
Write a JavaScript function named maxName that, given an array of such objects, returnsa string consisting of the full name (first and last) of the student with the largest score.
For example!
roster=[ ({first;"paul",last: "sivilotti",score: 35} {first:"Charlie",last;"Giles",score: 38} {first:"Bob",last:"Joseph",score: 34}]; maxName(roster) //=>"CharLie Giles"
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