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Does Personal Character Affects Happiness Index and Satisfaction with Life  高级定量研究essay代写

Abstract: This article uses factor analysis to interpret that certain personalities of people can be divided into extroverts and introverts to some extent, but extroverts and introverts have no great influence on happiness index and satisfaction with life. At the same time, this article also points out that most Chinese people are not satisfied with the current situation of their lives.


Personality is the characteristic that will accompany an individual throughout his life. Different people have different personalities, and people of different personalities have different ways of thinking and dealing with problems. Tseng and Hsu in the 1970’s article pointed out that the development of a person’s character has a great influence on the national culture and family environment in which he lives. In addition, the surrounding culture will provide members living in it with specific ways to solve life problems. And these potential impacts may or may not benefit people.  高级定量研究essay代写

In this article, we will use factor analysis to study the personality of people and pay attention to the relationship between the personality and happiness index and life satisfaction after being grouped respectively.

2.Literature Review  高级定量研究essay代写


Costa and McCrae (1980) tend to show that what determines happiness is personality traits, rather than the happiness that affects the traits. Moldin et.al. (1991) and Bebbington et.al. (1989) gave further explanation that the notion that a small number of people are susceptible to depression is generally recognized by clinical psychologists. From there, it can be inferred that whether the normal change of depression mood is also related to the personality characteristics of the individual.

2.2Satisfaction with Life

The article written by Lounsbury er.al. (2004) shows that there are strong relationships among personality, career Satisfaction, and life satisfaction. What’s more, Ho et.al (2008) used multivariate regression and other methods also show that personality traits and negative life events are important related factors or predictors of life satisfaction.



This paper uses the individual-level data are taken from the World Values Survey (WVS) [5].  Face-to-face interviews with nationally representative samples of respondents in over 70 countries administer this survey, which also contains over 200 questions concerning personal values and attitudes toward a wide range of social issues such as religion, family, work, democracy and so on.  In this paper, the 6th wave of the WVS data issued, which is taking place worldwide in 2010-2014, and respondents from China are the subject of our survey.



In order to better study whether personalities can be divided into several large groups and the relationship between these grouped personalities and happiness and life satisfaction, we make the following hypotheses:

H1: Human personality is divided into introverted personality and extroverted personality.

H2: People with extroverts’ personality are happier.

H3: Introverted people are more satisfied with their lives.



5.1Bivariate analyses

Figure 1:


From simple bivariate analyses, the relationship between “others” and “society” is the closest with the deepest coloured square. At the same time, “environment” and “others” and “society” seem to be closely related. On the contrary, “spoil” is a counterexample, which has nothing to do with the above three variables. However, the closest connection to  “spoil” is “creative”.

5.2Factor Analysis

In this factor analysis, we choose factor as 2, and rotation method as “promax”. The table 2 shows the loadings of variables in each factors. Meanwhile, the pink blocks show how the variables are simply correlations with the unobserved factors. It can be seen from the figure that Factor 1 is formed by “society”, “others”, “environment” and “secure”, while Factor 2 is formed by “spoil” and “secure”. What’s more, “society” and “others” in this set of data can better highlight the characteristics of Factor 1, while “spoil” is mainly responsible for Factor 2.  高级定量研究essay代写

5.3Correlation Analysis

Factor 1 and Factor 2 have very little correlation with “happy” and “satisfy”, which are all reliable correlations.

6.Discussion and Conclusion

6.1Factor Analysis

For the analysis results, we can make a certain non-quantitative understanding. When it comes to Factor 1, for example, the “society” category refers to wanting to make more contributions to society, and what they are pursuing is more beneficial to the part outside of themselves, which is also true for “others”. “Environment” shows how much importance of surrounding environment to the person, which also a kind of outside part of the person.

So as “secure”. People with this type of personality will make themselves in the environment they like by pleasing the people or things around them, whether it is the spiritual environment formed by the surrounding interpersonal network or the real natural environment, so as to finally achieve the goal of pleasing themselves. At the same time, the different loadings of the four variables of Factor 1 can also support that Factor 1 is a representative of extroverted personality to a certain extent.  高级定量研究essay代写

The reason why the loadings of “society” and “others” are quite higher than “environment” and “secure” is that there may be other reasons for them to care about the nature environment or the security of living space.

For example, they may be environmentalists, or they have suffered robbing or domestic violence in their childhood or early years, so they prefer to live in a safe environment. To take a closer look, for “environment”, if they are environmentalists, those who choose this option can be classified as introverts, because they want to meet their inner needs or want to improve their consciousness of environmental protection. In the same way, people who like to live in a safe environment may be because they are very timid, so living in a safe environment is also to satisfy their own psychological needs. And that’s the reason why the loadings of “environment” and “secure” of Factor 2 are positive.

The Factor 2 is represented by “spoil”. This is an obvious introverted character, whose purpose is to please oneself directly. However, “creative” is not that clear. They may just confidently think that they are very creative, so as to motivate themselves to work harder to realize their own value. At the same time, it is also possible that the admiration of the people around them for their work has caused them to have such a perception of their own character. Therefore, the loading of “creative” of Factor 1 is positive.

In summary, Hypothesis 1 holds. Furthermore, we may still get that to a certain extent, pleasing external things can pleasing ourselves in turn, but not vice versa.

6.2Correlation Analysis

It can be seen from the correlation result that the absolute values are smaller, which means there is almost no relationship between Factor 1, Factor 2 and “happy”, “satisfy”. This may be because the decision to be happy and satisfied with life is not solely based on character. It may also be related to the family’s economic status, marital status, work status and other factors. Hence, Hypothesis 2 and 3 may not be true.

But it is worth noting that the correlation between factor 1 and satisfaction is higher than that of the other three groups. We can infer to some extent that extroverts are more likely to be dissatisfied with life. 高级定量研究essay代写

What’s more, there is another interesting place. It seems that both introverts and extroverts are not satisfied with life. This may be due to the faster pace of development in modern and contemporary China. From China’s closure in the Qing Dynasty to the large amount of international trade now, the Chinese have seen a broader world. It is also true that more people see the opportunity and want to realize their value.

From international business and trade, to competition among employees in the company, and even competition among children in academic performance, most Chinese people, especially young people, are uncomfortable with the status quo. They want more things, and such an increase in desire will bring dissatisfaction with the status quo. In addition, the Chinese population is becoming aging. Due to the family planning implemented (a couple can only have one child) many years ago, the financial burden of each family is getting heavier. As a result, everyone’s life pressure is increasing. Hence, the pursuit of career and the financial burden of the family may be the main reasons why they are not satisfied with their lives.


Tseng, W.S. and Hsu, J., 1970. Chinese culture, personality formation and mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry16(1), pp.5-14.

Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R., 1980. Influence of extraversion and neuroticism on subjective well-being: happy and unhappy people. Journal of personality and social psychology38(4), 668.

Moldin, S. O., Reich, T., & Rice, J. P., 1991. Current perspectives on the genetics of unipolar depression. Behavior Genetics21(3), 211-242.

Bebbington, P., Katz, R., McGuffin, P., Tennant, C., & Hurry, J., 1989. The risk of minor depression before age 65: results from a community survey. Psychological Medicine19(2), 393-400.

Lounsbury, J.W., Park, S.H., Sundstrom, E., Williamson, J.M. and Pemberton, A.E., 2004. Personality, career satisfaction, and life satisfaction: Test of a directional model. Journal of Career Assessment12(4), pp.395-406.

Ho, M.Y., Cheung, F.M. and Cheung, S.F., 2008. Personality and life events as predictors of adolescents’ life satisfaction: Do life events mediate the link between personality and life satisfaction?. Social Indicators Research89(3), pp.457-471.

8.Appendix 高级定量研究essay代写


#####Import Data



WVS<-read.spss("WV6_Data_sav_v20201117.sav", to.data.frame=TRUE,max.value.labels=100)

######Choose A Country


#####Preparing Data









for (i in 443:450) { WVS[,i][is.na(WVS[,i])]<-median(WVS[,i],na.rm=T) }
#####Check Their Correlations



corrplot(cor,type="lower",diag=F,mar=c(1,0,5,2),method = "square", main="Correlation of Variables")
##### H1: Factor Analysis

##Determine the number of factors


fa.parallel(cor, n.obs = 240, fa = "both", n.iter = 100)
f1.2<-factanal(WVS[,443:448],factors=2,rotation="none") 高级定量研究essay代写





##Determine the direction of rotation

library(psy); library(GPArotation)








layout(1:4); par(mar=c(2,2,1,1))

scree.plot(f1$correlation);scree.plot(f2$correlation);scree.plot(f3$correlation);scree.plot(f4$correlation) 高级定量研究essay代写


plot(f4$loadings[,1:2],type="n",,main="Characteristics of Variables");text(f4$loadings[,1:2],labels=names(WVS[,443:448]),cex=1.2)

##### H2&H3: Analyze the correlation between two factors and happiness and life satisfaction











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