



December 7, 2018

美国留学高中作业Essay代写 Many were scattered to the suburbs” (Chang 82). The American neighborhood has become segregated by income since the 1970s.

Jeff Chang a journalist in his book, “We Got Be Alright” shed light on the race and resegregation.  美国留学高中作业Essay代写

In the chapter, “Vanilla Cities and Their Chocolate Suburbs” he states that the average white students tend to go to the public school with 75 percent white children, similarly, they like to live in a neighbor with 77 percent of white people. It is also perceived that black people are moving into the suburbs where white are moving into the cities. This phenomenon of reverse migration is accompanied by the racial and class displacement of redevelopment.

He states, “the replacement housing also reduced population density, exacerbating the shortage of affordable housing. Worse, only a portion of the new public housing went to the old residents. The rest were forced to find affordable housing on their own. Many were scattered to the suburbs” (Chang 82). The American neighborhood has become segregated by income since the 1970s. A metropolitan study on more than 500,000 people by Kendra Bischoff and Sean Reardon reveal that 17 percent of Americans lived in the rich neighborhood (high-income neighborhood) and 19 percent of Americans live in the poor neighborhood (lowest income neighborhood). 美国留学高中作业Essay代写


By 2012, these numbers increased dramatically reaching almost double where 30 percent of the US families were living in a rich neighborhood and 30 percent were living in a poor neighborhood. This vehement segregation led to the lack of opportunity for the children of poor neighborhoods. Bischoff and Reardon reflected, “the rising isolation of the affluent is harming the poor” (Chang 83). As the colored are living in suburbs even the suburbs have been colonized by the Asian, Latinos and Blacks signifying that rich want to live in a rich neighborhood and poor want to live in a poor neighborhood.

Works Cited  美国留学高中作业Essay代写

Chang, Jeff. “We gon’t be alright: notes on race and resegregation.” Picodor 2016.


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