算法实现代写-AMAT 591代写-Final Project代写

算法实现代写-AMAT 591代写-Final Project代写

AMAT 591 Final Project

算法实现代写 In this project, you will implement optimization algorithms to recover a sparse signal (or vector) x ∗ ∈ R n by solving the LASSO problem

In this project, you will implement optimization algorithms to recover a sparse signal (or vector) x R n by solving the LASSO problem:


A R m×n , b R m are known. λ > 0 is the penalty parameter.

Problem Setup. Let n = 256, m = 64, λ = 106 . For any 1 i m and 1 j n,the (i,j)-th entry of A is given by


Let the true signal satisfy x i = 1 for i = 12, 35, 38, 129, 136, 150, 170, 207, 232, 243 and x i = 0 otherwise. In practice, we do not know x , but only know the measurement vector b generated according to b = Ax. Our goal here is to recover or reconstruct x from the measurement b by solving the LASSO problem above.

1.Solve the optimization problem in (1) using accelerated proximal gradient method (a.k.a. FISTA) with the iterations for k = 1, 2, . . . , K:

Take the initialization x 0 = x 1 = 0(n), step size tk0.3, and maximum iteration number K = 105 . Compute and store the objective value f(x k) at each iteration k.


Denote the output of FISTA by xFISTA := x K算法实现代写

  • Evaluate the relative error for reconstructed signal, i.e., .
  • Plot a red curve that joins the points (k, f(x k)) for k = 1, . . . , K in log-log scale. Label the x-axis with “Iteration” and the y-axis with “Objective”.

Take the initialization

x 0=z 0=u 0=0(n) , augmentation parameter δ =105 ,and maximum iteration number K = 103 . Compute and store the objective value f(x k ) at each iteration k. Denote the output of ADMM by xADMM := x K. To save computational cost, pre-compute and store the matrix (A> A + δI) 1 before iteration starts.

  • Evaluate the relative error
  • Plot a blue curve that joins the points (k, f(x k )) for k = 1, . . . , K in log-log scale. The curve should be plotted in the same fifigure as that for FISTA.

Submission.  算法实现代写

Please submit a .zip fifile named ”Final yourLASTNAME yourFIRSTNAME” through MyUAlbany Blackboard, which contains three subfifiles:

  1. The source code for FISTA.
  2. The source code for ADMM.
  3. A report (word or pdf fifile) that displays the two relative errors (for FISTA and ADMM, respectively) and the ‘Objective vs. Iteration’ plot.


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