

Project work

留学生编程作业代写 The project work is a more demanding programming task that requires mastering the skills learned during the course.

The project work is a more demanding programming task that requires mastering the skills learned during the course. Your task is to program a study register for a university.



Your system will rely on three text files, which contain the data needed to run the system. You can find models of these files in Moodle folder “Files for project”. The idea is that while running your program, the content of these files change. If you manage to corrupt the content of your files, you can always start again by downloading the files from Moodle.

courses.txt: This file contains the information of the courses that are taught in this university. The information of one course is given in one row. Rows look like this:

A0400,Artificial Intelligence Applications,6,Anna Johnson

A0450,Network Security and Cryptography,6,Paul Davis,Emma Martinez

The data is given in comma-separated (CSV) form. First there is the course code (A0400), which identifies the course. Then there is the name of the course (Artificial Intelligence Applications). The following number (6) is the amount of study points given by the course. Finally, there are the name(s) of the teacher (Anna Johnson). Note that there may be several teachers on one course. Different teachers are separated by commas. The newline symbol “\n” ends each row in every file.The content of this file does not change, your program should only read information from it.  留学生编程作业代写

students.txt: This file contains information about the students. The information of one student is given in one line.Different values are separated by a comma. Lines look like this:

61835,David,Miller,2021,ME,[email protected]

48927,Grace,Lee,2022,CE,[email protected]

First there is the student ID (61835). This integer serves as the identifier of the students. This means that there cannot be two students with the same ID. Then comes the student’s first name (David) and last name (Miller). After the name comes the starting year (2021) and the Bachelor program. The last value is the email address of the student ([email protected]).

The Bachelor Program must be one of the following: Computational Engineering (CE), Electrical Engineering (EE), Energy Technology (ET), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Software Engineering (SE). This information is stored as 2-letter shorthand.

The content of this file will change: if a new student enters the university, her/his information is added to the file. However,students are never removed, so they remain in the system “forever”.

passed.txt: This file contains the actual information about what courses students have passed. One row looks like this:



First there is the course code (B0350) of the passed course, then the ID (48927) of the student who passed the course. The third value is the date (16/10/2022) when the student passed the course. The format is DD/MM/YYYY. The last value is the grade 1-5. The values are separated by a comma.

When a student passes a course, this information is added to the file. The order in the file is not meaningful.

Different operations  留学生编程作业代写

The program needs to be menu-based. When the program starts it prints the following menu:

You may select one of the following:

1) Add student

2) Search student

3) Search course

4) Add course completion

5) Show student’s record

0) Exit

What is your selection?

This menu should be also displayed after every operation until you end the program by selecting 0.

In the following, each operation is described in detail.

1) Add Student: This operation adds a new student entry to the ‘students.txt’ file. The process begins by prompting the user for the student’s first name and last name. The system needs to check that the name contains only letters and the names start with capital letters. Subsequently, the system automatically generates the email address in the format of [email protected]. Additionally, the system generates a unique study number by randomly selecting a number between 10000 and 99999, ensuring it’s not already in use. The starting year is automatically set to the current year, utilizing the’datetime’ library to retrieve this information.”

Names should contain only letters and start with capital letters.

Enter the first name of the student:


Enter the last name of the student:


Names should contain only letters and start with capital letters.  留学生编程作业代写

Enter the first name of the student:


Enter the last name of the student:


Select student’s major:

CE: Computational Engineering

EE: Electrical Engineering

ET: Energy Technology

ME: Mechanical Engineering

SE: Software Engineering

What is your selection?


Student added successfully!

2) Search student: You can find any student by giving a part of the first name or a part of the last name of a student.The search string must contain at least three non-blank characters. This operation is suitable for finding the students ID, which is needed in operations 4 and 5. The operation prints the ID, the first and the last name according to the example below.

Give at least 3 characters of the students first or last name:


Give at least 3 characters of the students first or last name:


Matching students:

ID: 82346, First name: Anna, Last name: Johnson

3) Search course: You can give a part of the course name or part of the teacher’s name. Note that there can be several teachers in one course.

Give at least 3 characters of the name of the course or the teacher:


ID: A0120, Name: Software Engineering Principles, Teacher(s): David Miller

ID: A0450, Name: Network Security and Cryptography, Teacher(s): Paul Davis, Emma Martinez  留学生编程作业代写

ID: A0220, Name: Computer Graphics and Visualization, Teacher(s): Michelle Davis

ID: B0490, Name: Cloud Computing Technologies, Teacher(s): Alexander White, Lucy DavisGive at least 3 characters of the name of the course or the teacher:


ID: A0100, Name: Introduction to Computer Science, Teacher(s): Emily Johnson

ID: B0290, Name: Computer Networks and Protocols, Teacher(s): Jason Thompson

ID: A0220, Name: Computer Graphics and Visualization, Teacher(s): Michelle Davis

ID: B0490, Name: Cloud Computing Technologies, Teacher(s): Alexander White, Lucy Davis

4) Add course completion: The system asks the required information step by step according to the following examples. If student has already passed the course, the system checks that the new grade is higher than the old grade. There can be at most one completion of one course by one student.

The system needs to also check that the completion is added to the register within 30 days. It this is not true, then the program outputs: Input date is older than 30 days. Please contact “opinto.” In such a case, nothing is added to the file.

Give the course ID:


Give the course ID:


Give the student ID:


Give the grade:


Student has passed this course earlier with grade 3

Give the course ID:


Give the student ID:


Give the grade:


Grade is not a correct grade.

Give the course ID:


Give the student ID:


Give the grade:


Enter a date (DD/MM/YYYY):


Invalid date format. Use DD/MM/YYYY. Try again!    留学生编程作业代写

Give the course ID:


Give the student ID:


Give the grade:


Enter a date (DD/MM/YYYY):


Input date is later than today. Try again!

Give the course ID:


Give the student ID:


Give the grade:


Enter a date (DD/MM/YYYY):


Input date is older than 30 days. Contact “opinto”.Give the course ID:


Give the student ID:


Give the grade:


Enter a date (DD/MM/YYYY):


Input date is valid.

Record added!

5) Show student’s record: The program asks the students ID. Remember that you can search the ID by using operation 2. After this, the program displays the student’s information according to the model below:

Student ID: 83216

Name: Johnson, Emily

Starting year: 2021

Major: Electrical Engineering

Email: [email protected]

Passed courses:

Course ID: A0210, Name: Machine Learning Fundamentals, Credits: 6

Date: 16/01/2022, Teacher(s): Linda Chen, grade: 4

Course ID: A0400, Name: Artificial Intelligence Applications, Credits: 6

Date: 15/02/2022, Teacher(s): Anna Johnson, grade: 5

Course ID: B0110, Name: Mobile App Development, Credits: 3

Date: 13/05/2023, Teacher(s): Sarah Lewis, grade: 5

Course ID: A0220, Name: Computer Graphics and Visualization, Credits: 6

Date: 16/08/2023, Teacher(s): Michelle Davis, grade: 1

Course ID: A0370, Name: Information Retrieval Systems, Credits: 6

Date: 25/04/2022, Teacher(s): Thomas Moore, grade: 5

Total credits: 27, average grade: 4.0


Submission and grading  留学生编程作业代写

The program is submitted to CodeGrade, but teachers will grade the work according to the checklist below. From each item it is possible to obtain 0-4 points. This means that it is possible to gather 100 points. Note that you do not have to implement all the functionality, but general rule is that more you implement, the better grade you will have.

To pass the project work, you need to gather at least 50 points. The grade of the project work is determined by this table:

The items in the following checklist will be evaluated:

1) The menu is printed correctly. Display appropriate message if the input is not between 0-5. Program ends when 0 is given in menu.

2) The program is divided into functions in a proper manner. Required data is passed as arguments to the functions.  留学生编程作业代写

3) All opened files are closed.

4) The program should not crash in any situation.

5) When adding a new student, check that the names contain only letters, and they begin with capital letters.

6) The email address is generated correctly.

7) The study number is generated correctly (between 10000-99999, no duplicates)

8) The starting year is added using datetime module.

9) The major subject is added correctly.

10) The data is added correctly to the file (e.g., no empty lines)  留学生编程作业代写

11) When searching a student, it is checked that the search term contains at least 3 non-blank characters. This search term is searched both from the first name and the last name.

12) When searching a course, it is checked that the search term contains at least 3 non-blank characters. This search term is searched both from the course name and the names of the teacher(s). Note that there can be several teachers.

13) When add a new course completion, check that the course and the student really exist.

14) Check if the student has passed the course earlier. If the student has not passed the course, add a new row to the passed.txt.

15) If the student has passed the course, if the old grade is better than the new grade, do nothing.

16) If the student has passed the course, if the new grade is better than the old grade, then “update” the information in passed.txt. Make sure that the student does not have two entries for the same course in the file passed.txt.

17) Check that the grade is correctly between 1-5.  留学生编程作业代写

18) Check that the date when the course was passed is of the form DD/MM/YYYY. IT is advised to use datetime module.

19) Check that the date when the course was passed is not in the future.

20) Check that the date when the course was passed is not older than 30 days.

21) When printing the record, make sure that the student’s personal information is printed correctly.  留学生编程作业代写

22) When printing the courses of the student, you need to combine data from the files passed.txt and courses.txt. Please be certain that you are only printing courses which the student has passed. And you print only these courses.

23) Check that in the listing each course contains the following information: Course ID, Name of the course, number of Credits, the date when the student passed the course, the Name(s) of the teacher(s) of the course, the Grade student got from this course.

24) The total credits are computed correctly.

25) The average grade is computed correctly.

If you get less than 50 points, your project work needs to be corrected / completed. Also, those students who got the grade 1 or 2 in the first submission can resubmit their work. Note that the maximum grade for resubmitted works is 3.

Plagiarism and AI  留学生编程作业代写

Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s work, ideas, code, or solutions as your own without providing proper credit.This extends to presenting code generated by generative language models, such as ChatGPT, without appropriate attribution.Plagiarism is considered unethical and a violation of academic or professional integrity, constituting a serious offense at LUT. To address this, all projects are carefully examined using CodeGrade’s plagiarism detection tool.

If plagiarism is detected, the project work is deemed a failure, and the authorities at LUT are promptly notified. The plagiarism detection process involves comparing each submitted work against all other projects. It is important to note that generative language models like ChatGPT can produce code that is strikingly similar or identical for similar tasks. Consequently, if two students independently submit ChatGPT-generated code, the plagiarism detection algorithm may flag both works as plagiarism.

Additionally, the plagiarism detection algorithm does not distinguish between the original source and the copier In the event of identifying copying, both submissions will be rejected.    留学生编程作业代写

It’s important to note that utilizing ChatGPT is allowed in this project. If you incorporate AI or collaborate with a friend to develop methods, it is essential to provide a clear and concise explanation in the project code file’s comment section. However, falsely claiming work that you haven’t done as your own is considered fraudulent.

Every work needs to contain this kind of comments section in the beginning of the submitted file. If this statement  is missing, the work is considered as rejected.


# CT60A0203 Introduction to Programming – Online teaching

# Name:

# Student number:

# Email:

# Date:

# By submitting this work, I certify that





You should replace XXXX with your statement. Here are some examples that you can use. You are not restricted to these, and you may provide multiple explanations:

  • I wrote all the code myself and have not shared it with anyone else.
  • I discussed certain tasks with friends, but I personally wrote the code.  留学生编程作业代写
  • My friends did most of the work for me.
  • Although I used the internet to search for solutions (e.g., Stack Exchange,GeeksforGeeks, and Programiz), I wrote the code independently.
  • I asked ChatGPT and used the answer as a reference, but I wrote the code by myself.
  • ChatGPT generated answers that I directly copied and pasted into my code files.

Lastly, if your project demonstrates minimal individual contribution, resulting in a codebase primarily generated by GPT or copied extensively with the help of a friend, your grade will be adversely affected. This stands true even if you have acknowledged such collaboration as mentioned above.

Good luck!


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