cs代做-computer science作业代写-CS602

cs代做-computer science作业代写-CS602

CS602 – Fall2021


cs代做 Three radio buttons and a label “Gender” all in a single row. The labels for the radio buttons will be: “Male”, “Female” and “Other” (15 points).

Homework 3      cs代做


  • For each day of late submission, 5 points will be deducted.
  • After two days, no more submission is allowed.
  • You must submit through Canvas.
  • Keep this file intact, copy your solution codes from your IDE and paste at the bottom of the file under ‘Answer’. Submit this word document with your codes. Do not change the format of the file to pdf or .rar or anything else.


  • Academic Integritypolicy is strictly implemented on all your submissions.
  • Once submitted, you will not be allowed to replace it with a new submission.

Learning Objectives:     cs代做

Interpret request parameters from client and relate those to response by Servlet

Illustrate data collection on web pages through forms

Observe collaboration of JSP/Servlet/Tomcat in creation of dynamic and responsive web application

Design a HTML document that will display the following:

  1. A header that reads “Please enter your name” (5 points).
  2. Two text boxes with labels ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ (10 points).
  3. Three radio buttons and a label “Gender” all in a single row. The labels for the radio buttons will be: “Male”, “Female” and “Other” (15 points).
  4. A button with text “Submit” (5 points).     cs代做

Write a servlet program that will:

  1. When you enter a first name “John”, a last name “Doe”, click on the radio button “Male” and click on the button “Submit”, display a response on the webpage “Welcome to my Shop” as a header and a message “Thank you Mr. John Doe.” (15 points)
  2. When you enter a first name “Jane”, a last name “Doe”, click on the radio button “Female” and click on the button “Submit”, a response on the webpage will display “Welcome to my Shop” as a header and a message “Thank you Ms. Jane Doe.” (10 points)
  3. When you enter a first name “John”, a last name “Doe”, click on the radio button “Other” and click on the button “Submit”, a response on the webpage will display “Welcome to my Shop” as a header and a message “Thank you John Doe.” (10 points)         cs代做

You should consider the following error cases where an appropriate error message should be displayed on the webpage:

  • User doesn’t enter text for first name and/or last name and clicks on “Submit”. (10 points)
  • When either a first name or a last name is not entered and the user clicks on the “Submit” button. (5 points)
  • When no radio button is checked and the user clicks on the “Submit” button. (5 points)

There are 10 points for aesthetics and creativity. Usually this includes user friendly webpage. The look and feel of it. Placing of the components in an appropriate flow. Use of colors and fonts to beautify the presentation. Be creative!!


Name your html document: Main.html.

Name your servlet class: Main.java

Answer: Main.html    cs代做

<!DOCTYPE   html   PUBLIC   "-//W3C//DTD   HTML   4.01   Transitional//EN"




 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">



 <body  bgcolor="#FDF5E6">


       <h1>Please enter your name</h1>

       <form action="http://localhost" method="get">

             First Name: <input type="text" name="firstName"><br>

             Last Name:<input type="text" name="lastName"><br>

             Gender:<input type= "radio" value="male" name="sex"> Male <input type="radio" value="female" name="sex"> Female <input type="radio" value="other" name="sex"> other<br>

             <input type="submit" value="Sumit">





Answer: Main.java

<paste your code for Servlet program>

Screenshots:  cs代做

<Screenshot with the message “Thank you Mr. John Doe.”>

<Screenshot with the message “Thank you Ms. Jane Doe.”>

<Screenshot with message “Thank you John Doe.”>     cs代做

<Screenshot for error message when “User doesn’t enter text for first name and/or last name and clicks on “Submit”.>

<Screenshot for error message when “When either a first name or a last name is not entered and the user clicks on the “Submit” button.”>

<Screenshot for error message when “When no radio button is checked and the user clicks on the “Submit” button.”>


更多代写:cs代码代写 托福代考 英国留学文书代写 summary代写 会计论文代写 代写大学文章价格

合作平台:天才代写 幽灵代  写手招聘  paper代写


