C语言程序代写 – Assignment代写 -编程代做 – CE243

C语言程序代写 – Assignment代写 -编程代做 – CE243

CE243 Assignment 2



C语言程序代写 The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the embedded system that can be effectively programmed using C language···


1. Objectives  C语言程序代写

The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the embedded system that can be effectively programmed using C language you have learnt in this course.

2. The task

To design and write a C program to design a guessing game on the ARM mbed platform. Your design should include the following main features.

  • Themain body of the guessing game logic should be implemented on the ARM
  • Developa program in C that can output the message
  • Usethe peripherals to give better user experience, g. LCD, keypad, etc.
  • Yourgame should be error free and have error checking mechanism to avoid any crash caused by invalid user input or similar

Game: The finished game will provide a user experience that looks something like this:

What is your guess? 5 You are way off.

What is your guess? 8 You are way off.

What is your guess? 3 You are less than 3 away! What is your guess? 4 You are less than 3 away! What is your guess? 2 You guessed correctly!

The guessing number should be set by the user when the mbed is initialised. Please consider suitable user experience here to make that happen smoothly. The number should be set between 0-30.

User input  C语言程序代写

The game will need to get guesses from the user. Your programme always ask the user “What is your guess?”, and you should use an infinite loop to ask the user for a guess. After it is entered, print out each guess. A session might look like this:

What is your guess? 2 2

Note here, there is a fixed number of guesses, determined by the user. In the real game, the loop will finish once the number has been guessed correctly.

Check proximity

The game will give the user a hint when a guess is close. In other words, with each guess the game has to determine the proximity of the guess to the random number. Write a function within(value, goal, n) that return 1 if value is with n of goal. For example, within(2, 5, 2) would return 0 but within(4, 5, 2) would return 0.

Soring  C语言程序代写

One can think of a “score” in this game as the number of guesses made before getting the number right; a higher score is better. Once the user has guessed the number, print a line saying what the score is (something like “Your score is 4” seems about right).

LCD: The first row of the LCD should always show the secret number you set, and the second row of the LCD should show the current user guess. Once the user has the guessed number, the second row of LCD should show a message indicates the completion of the game and the final score of the user.

Keypad: The keypad/touch screen should be used to input the numbers.

3. Deadline and submission requirements  C语言程序代写

The deadline for the electric submission of your Assignment 2 (Report (named as yourstudentID.pdf or yourstudentID.docx, e.g. 123456.pdf) and C codes in a ZIP file) is 11:59:59 on Tuesday, Week 11 (15 December 2020), which has been set by the School Office in FASER.

  • Yourassignment should be written in such a way that it is clear, concise and easy to
  • Write your name, registration number and the code of the course module clearly on thecover page, including a TOC (Table of Contents) (1 page).
  • You should use a flowchart/pseudocode to outline your software design and use text toexplain how it works (1 or 2 pages).
  • You should run your code for testing different scenarios. The results of testing should bepresented in the report and explain how you fix it if any bugs have been found. (1 or 2 pages).
  • YourC program should be included at the end of the report as appendix (3 pages).
  • Nomore than 2000 words (exclude appendix).

AND  C语言程序代写

No extensions of the deadlines will be given; if, for any reason, you do not submit your code, there will be no record of the submission time and you will automatically get a zero mark. I strongly encourage you to submit your work through the proper channel (electronic submission) and on time, even if it is incomplete. Some credit is always better than none.

This assignment should be done individually, i.e. whatever you hand in must be your own individual work. Any software or any other materials that you use in this assignment, whether previously published or not, must be referred to and properly acknowledged.

4. Assessment  C语言程序代写

You will be assessed on the source code you submit and the performance of your code.

  • Markswill be awarded for programming style and the number of features
  • You are expected to show the performance of the programs during demonstration in the10th lab session (Week 11). The demonstration session is mandatory to this assignment, and it is worth 50% of the overall mark of this
  • You are expected to answer some questions about the main aspects of your work duringyour
  • Morespecifically, your Assignment 2 will be assessed as follows:

Excellent (70 – 100%)

All features have been implemented. The program is well-structured and commented. Your game is well functioned and playable during your demonstration. All questions are answered correctly. The report is well written and structured, and only contains minor mistakes and all requirements for the report are met.

Good (55 – 69%)  C语言程序代写

The program implements all of the required features, but with minor issues. Your game is functional and reasonable playable your demonstration. Not all questions are answered correctly. The report is written reasonably well, but it contains some mistakes and/or few requirements are not met. The report was good structured, and it has many mistakes, but the overall requirements are mostly met.

Poor (40 – 54%)

The program implements less than 50% of the required features but has poor structure and comments. Your game is not functioned well and barely playable during your demonstration. Most of the questions are not answered correctly. The report was poorly structured, and it has many mistakes, but the overall requirements are mostly met.

Awful (0 – 39%)  C语言程序代写

The program does not work. It has poor structure and comments. Your game is not functioning at all during your demonstration. No question is answered correctly. The report was poorly structured, and it contains many fundamental mistakes, the overall requirements are not met.


更多代写:编程代码 大学网课代考 homework代写 出国论文代写 英国作业代写 计算机网课代修

合作平台:天才代写 幽灵代  写手招聘  paper代写
