运筹学数学模型代写-MATP 4700代写-Exam代写

运筹学数学模型代写-MATP 4700代写-Exam代写

Math Models of Operations Research, MATP 4700.

Second Exam, Friday, November 8, 2019.

运筹学数学模型代写 You may use any result from your notes or a homework that is clearly stated. You may use one sheet of handwritten notes, but no other sources.

You may use any result from your notes or a homework that is clearly stated. You may use one sheet of handwritten notes, but no other sources. The exam consists of five questions, and lasts one hundred and ten minutes.

Q1 / 20
Q2 / 30
Q3 / 15
Q4 / 20
Q5 / 15
Total / 100



(a)(10 points) Explain why, if a lower bound constraint on nonbasic variable xpis appended to optimal tableau T , a single pivot on am+1,p restores optimal form if the appended row m + 1 is the minimum-ratio row in the xp column.

(b)(10 points) Explain why, if the appended row m + 1 is not the minimum-ratio row inthe xp column, one or more dual simplex pivots are also required.

2.(30 points) Consider the linearprogram    运筹学数学模型代写

minxR4 5x1 +  2x2 +  3x3 + 2x4

subject to  2x1 + x2 +  2x3 +  3x4  b1 (P )

x1 +   4x2 +   6x3 +   3x4 = b2

x1, x2, x3, x4  0

where b1 > 0 and b2 > 0 are fixed parameters.

(a)(10 points) Find a dual problem (D) to(P ).

(b)(10points) Assume x¯ = (0, b2 , 0, 0) is feasible in (P ), with 2x¯1 +x¯2 +2x¯3 +3x¯4 =b1 + ∆, with ∆ > 0.  Use complementary slackness to show that x¯ is optimal.

(c)(10 points) Use complementary slackness to find another optimal solution to (P).


3.(15points) Consider the transportation problem with costs as given:  运筹学数学模型代写


supply 40 10 30 20
70 4 3 2 4
30 5 7 6 3

(a)Findan initial feasible solution using the NW corner rule.

(b)Solve the problem (hint: youshould only need one iteration).

4.(20points)  运筹学数学模型代写

(a)(10 points) A feasible solution to the following uncapacitated network flow prob- lem isindicated:

Use duality to prove that this solution is optimal.

(b)(10 points) Assume supply increases by ∆ > 0 at node 4 and demandincreases by ∆ at node 3. Use duality to determine the change in the optimal value for small values of ∆. What is the largest possible value of ∆ for which your estimate holds. What is the modified shipping schedule?  运筹学数学模型代写

5.(15points) We wish to find a minimum cost network flow in the following uncapacitated network, where all nodes are transshipment nodes and where the edge costs are given:

The primal problem requires nonnegative flows that satisfy flow conservation at each node. Formulate the dual problem and verify explicitly that it is infeasible.


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