英国工商管理essay代写-business management代写

英国工商管理essay代写-business management代写

Section B: Assessment Brief and Requirements

英国工商管理essay代写 Imagine that you are hired by the UK government to develop a solution that addresses the challenges of assessing A-Level grades accurately.

In summer 2020, the UK government cancelled A-Level exams due to the Coronavirus pandemic.However, the need to determine students’ grades remained, which led to the creation and implementation of an A-Level grade assignment algorithm.

This algorithm was designed to utilize its vast computational capacity to consider all the student data in England in the past several years, which are magnitudes beyond the capacity of human decision makers, and indeed it resulted in a timely release of A-Level grades for students and parents.

However, the algorithm also produced hotly contested outputs and resulted in a critical public outcry. In the end, the government chose to ditch the results in favour of relying on teacher-led assessments instead. (see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-53836453)

Imagine that you are hired by the UK government to develop a solution that addresses the challenges of assessing A-Level grades accurately. They would like to implement your solution to predict the grades of students in 2023.

In developing this solution, they want you to consider the following:

Problem Identification  英国工商管理essay代写

  1. Regarding the government eventual decision to switch to teacher-led assessment, please identify the strengths and weaknesses in using the algorithm approach or the teacher-led assessment approach. Here, we want to you to clearly write 3 evaluation points that tackle a combination of these factors above. (E.g. 1 algorithm weakness + 1 algorithm strength +1 teacher weakness, or 1 teacher weakness + 1 teacher strength + 1 teacher weakness, etc.)

Here are some questions to consider:

a.Considering the government’s first choice was to develop an algorithm, what were the primary strengths of algorithm-driven decision making in this A-Level case?

b.And when the government switched to teacher-led assessment, what strengths did it have?

c.What was the primary limitation of the algorithm approach?  英国工商管理essay代写

d.And when the government switched to teacher-led assessment, what kind of limitation did teacher-led assessment have?

  1. Now you have evaluated the strengths and weaknesses, what do you think went wrong?Please provide a big picture analysis to answer the following questions.

a.Do you think the criticisms on the algorithm were fair? Were there biases in the algorithm?

b.Why or why not? You can agree with some points and disagree with others. For instance, you could argue that the algorithm can be better than teacher assessment in some aspects but worse in others.

New Solution

  1. What would you propose as a new solution? For instance, would you choose to use the existing algorithm, the teacher-led assessments, or a combination of both?
  1. How would your proposed solution address the specific issues that you’ve identified in the Problem Identification section?
  1. And in making changes, would there be new limitations to your solution?

Projection  英国工商管理essay代写

  1. How will your solution be received by the following stakeholders? Provide 1-2 sentences considering the impact towards each stakeholder and identify the trade-offs involved.

a.Government, policymakers, and regulators. For instance, is your solution efficient on a large scale?

b.Educators (e.g. principal and teachers). For instance: does your new solution change how teachers prepare their students in the future?

c.A-level students and their parents. For instance, is your solution representative of students’ effort? Would it be fair?

Suggestions and Recommendations:

1.I recommend the following structure: You write 3 sections – problem identification, new solution and projection. Each section deals with each of the following points:

a.Problem identification (30% of mark):

i.You identify the strengths and weaknesses of the use of algorithms and human-led assessments in the context of determining A-Level grades. Do your research (see below for references to get you started) and try to be specific about your analysis.  英国工商管理essay代写

ii.Think about the strengths and weaknesses of algorithms and human decision making (Session 7). This particular algorithm may have a number of sociological biases (e.g. the type of school you go to and where you live predetermine your “fate”) whereas human-led assessment may have a number of psychological biases (e.g. teachers have confirmation traps, selfserving biases, overconfidence, stereotypes/prejudice, see Session 2).

iii. Focus on no more than 3 points in your analysis. I do not want to see a shallow-7-point analysis. We want you to show how the points identified support your overall stance as to whether you are pro-algo or pro-teacher.What I really want to see is that for each point you bring forth, you show depth in your consideration and provide logic and evidence that can back up your arguments.


b.New Solution (30% of mark)

i.Based on the benefits and limitations identified in the above section,propose a solution.

ii.Try to be specific about how your solution is different from the one used by the government and how it can address the limitation you identified in the above section.

iii. Please do not come up with a solution that is not teacher-led assessment or an algorithm assessment approach. What we want to see is how existing solutions can be improved upon, not alternative approaches (e.g. using college entry test approaches such as SATs instead)

c.Projection (20% of mark)

i.Write 1-2 sentences about what the impact of this solution is to each of the stakeholders mentioned, and what trade-offs you would need to acknowledge and defend in your proposed solution.

ii.Try to be pragmatic. Remember, no one particularly wanted to have algorithms, we all wanted to live in the pre-COVID world where A-level exam can take place normally. In times of crisis, there are bound to be trade-ffs, and that is okay as long as you make a compelling case of what you value as a priority and give a fair acknowledgement of the limitation of your solution.  英国工商管理essay代写

2.In evaluating the algorithm vis-à-vis teacher-led assessment and designing your new solution, consider the pros and cons of each approach. In other words, most likely one is not completely superior over the other. Make your own case.

a.Potential limitation of algorithmic decision making: think about the factors that were considered by the algorithm and whether they were fair, data available to the algorithm and whether it was biased towards certain groups, whether the algorithm was tested by external stakeholders or third-party examiner.

b.Potential limitation of teacher-led decision making: think about how human evaluation could be plagued by its own shortcomings. Teachers are vulnerable to all the decision-making biases we talked about in Session 2 (e.g. bounded awareness confirmation trap, representative bias, overconfidence, stereotypes), and even moral Published September 3rd 2022 lapse and moral disengagement mechanisms (e.g. internally justify giving students underserving high or low grades). Additionally, human decision making takes a lot more time and money.

  1. Useful articles to get you started (academic references at the end of this document)  英国工商管理essay代写

a.the A-Level controversy timeline



b.the algorithm’s inner working: again, you only need to identify 3 points in your problem identification section. In other words, you do not need to talk about all the factors involved, pick your battles.



iii. https://rpubs.com/JeniT/ofqual-algorithm (very detailed explanation)  英国工商管理essay代写

c.UK government’s rebuttal


  1. You can write it in the first/third person, as this assignment is an objective piece on the development of a solution to improve assessment of A-Level grades.
  1. It is important to cite the appropriate academic literature whenever you define a concept or write about an idea you discovered in someone else’s writing. Below are a list of references that are relevant to this context. You can also find relevant papers in lecture slides as well.The definition of Artificial Intelligence and its relevant concepts can be found in the lecture slides with the appropriate citations. Make sure to put them into your own words.
  1. It does not matter what referencing style you use, as long as you are consistent.

Some useful academic references  英国工商管理essay代写

Aoki, N. (2020). The importance of the assurance that “humans are still in the decision loop” for public trust in artificial intelligence: Evidence from an online experiment. Computers in Human Behavior, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2020.106572.

Dietvorst, B. J., Simmons, J. P., & Massey, C. (2018). Overcoming algorithm aversion: People will use imperfect algorithms if they can (even slightly) modify them. Management Science, 64, 1155-1170. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2016.2643

Glikson, E. & Woolley, A. W. (2020). Human trust in artificial intelligence: Review of empirical research. Academy of Management Annals, 14, 627-660. https://doi.org/10.5465/annals.2018.0057

Logg, J. M., Minson, J. A., Moore, D. A. (2019). Algorithm appreciation: People prefer algorithmic to human judgment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 151, 90-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.obhdp.2018.12.005

Wang, Y., & Kosinski, M. (2018). Deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting sexual orientation from facial images. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114, 246-257 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pspa0000098

Section C: Module Learning Outcomes covered in this Assessment

This assessment contributes towards the achievement of the following stated module Learning Outcomes as highlighted below:

This assignment contributes towards the achievement of the following stated module Learning Outcomes as highlighted below:

  • Be able to name and define the common heuristics and biases that people fall prey to when making decisions.
  • Understand how to avoid decision traps (heuristics/biases) and thus become a better decision maker.
  • Ability to define and use psychological concepts appropriately
  • Concise and precise articulation of ideas
  • Application of theoretical constructs to real life phenomena
  • Creative problem solving

Section E: How your work is assessed  英国工商管理essay代写

Within each section of this assessment you may be assessed on the following aspects, as applicable and appropriate to this assessment, and should thus consider these aspects when fulfilling the requirements of each section:

  • The accuracy of any calculations required.
  • The strengths and quality of your overall analysis and evaluation;
  • Appropriate use of relevant theoretical models, concepts and frameworks;
  • The rationale and evidence that you provide in support of your arguments;
  • The credibility and viability of the evidenced conclusions/recommendations/plans of action you put forward;
  • Structure and coherence of your considerations and reports;
  • Appropriate and relevant use of, as and where relevant and appropriate, real world examples,academic materials and referenced sources. Any references should use either the Harvard OR Vancouver referencing system (see References, Citations and Avoiding Plagiarism)
  • Academic judgement regarding the blend of scope, thrust and communication of ideas,contentions, evidence, knowledge, arguments, conclusions.

Student submissions are reviewed/scrutinised by an internal assessor and are available to an External Examiner for further review/scrutiny before consideration by the relevant Examination Board.

It is not uncommon for some students to feel that their submissions deserve higher marks (irrespective of whether they actually deserve higher marks). To help you assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of your submission please refer to UCL Assessment Criteria Guidelines, located at https://www.ucl.ac.uk/teaching-learning/sites/teaching-learning/files/migrated-files/UCL_Assessment_Criteria_Guide.pdf

The above is an important link as it specifies the criteria for attaining 85% +, 70% to 84%, 60% to 69%, 50%to 59%, 40% to 49%, below 40%.

You are strongly advised to not compare your mark with marks of other submissions from your student colleagues. Each submission has its own range of characteristics which differ from others in terms of breadth, scope, depth, insights, and subtleties and nuances. On the surface one submission may appear to be similar to another but invariably, digging beneath the surface reveals a range of differing characteristics.

Students who wish to request a review of a decision made by the Board of Examiners should refer to the UCL Academic Appeals Procedure, taking note of the acceptable grounds for such appeals.Note that the purpose of this procedure is not to dispute academic judgement – it is to ensure correct application of UCL’s regulations and procedures. The appeals process is evidence-based and circumstances must be supported by independent evidence.


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