



Take-Home Final Exam

美国宗教代考 f you cite readings in your answers, be sure to do so in moderation. Your answers should not be a compilation of long quotations from our authors.

Directions: This exam consists of a series of essay questions and a choice of three extra credit questions.

This exam is “open book,” although limited to course lectures, assigned readings, and other media. That is, you are required to use resources from this class only. No outside resources (other books, websites, etc.) are allowed. Where appropriate in your essays, cite reading sources (e.g., Hemeyer, p. 35; Porterfield, p. 17, etc.).

Rules and Regulations:  美国宗教代考

Place your name on the exam. 

If you cite readings in your answers, be sure to do so in moderation. Your answers should not be a compilation of long quotations from our authors.

You must limit yourself to lecture material and readings assigned for the course (or noted in the exam questions). No outside sources are permitted.

Upload your exam to the Blackboard website, “Assignments.”

You must observe all academic integrity standards of the university.

Late exams will be penalized one-half letter grade for each day that they are late.


Grading Criteria:

Grading is based on the comprehensiveness of your answers, clarity of expression, and grammatical correctness.

Essay Questions  美国宗教代考

Reflecting on the readings, lectures, and documentaries, answer the following questions as fully as possible. Make sure that you answer all aspects of multi-component questions. Note the points assigned to each question. The length of your answer should reflect the point value of the questions (word count is approximate).

MODULE 7. Discuss and expand (provide examples) on the three main Amish survival strategies (reproduction, resistance, accommodation) noted at the end of the power point lecture. Where does the practice of Rumspringa as depicted in the documentary, “The Devil’s Playground,” fit into these survival strategies? Do you think Rumspringa is as effective today as it was 30 or 40 years ago? Why or why not? Cite examples from the documentary. What problems of survival do the Amish face (physical health, employment, etc.)? 15 points (600-700 words)  美国宗教代考

MODULE 8. In most people’s minds, Jim Jones and Jonestown represent the quintessential cult: a crazed leader with a band of brainwashed followers. Your readings and the documentary revise this perspective. Discuss the evolution of the Peoples Temple from its beginnings in Indiana to Guyana, the changes in Jim Jones, the kinds of people who joined the movement (their goals and aspirations), and the events that led up to the tragic deaths of over 900 people. Include a discussion of the internal and external factors cited by John Hall (at the end of the article) that resulted in these deaths. 15 points (600-700 words)

MODULE 9. In what ways has the American religious landscape been reshaped in the past 50 years? Discuss the 3 major changes discussed in the lecture. 5 points (150 words)

MODULE 9. How does one account for the increasing interest in Asian religions beginning in the 1960s? Discuss the 2 main sources noted in the lecture. 5 points (150 words).

MODULE 9. Prof. Ritzinger’s lecture. Respond: “Buddhism is a program, not a creed” (that is, it’s not a system of belief requiring faith). Include in your response a discussion of the problem of samsara and the way the Buddha went about diagnosing and solving the problem through the 4 Noble Truths. How does the reading in Porterfield, “Buddhist Zazen” relate to your answer? 10 points (350-450 words)

MODULE 9. Prof. Ritzinger’s lecture. How have issues of race and racism shaped Buddhism in America? 5 points (150 words)  美国宗教代考

MODULE 10. Evaluate the role of religion in the lives of African Americans from the mid-19th century to the present. How important has religion been to the African American community? Discuss the various expressions of African American religion (traditional, Black Liberation theology, Nation of Islam). Has religion functioned as an oppressive or liberating force? 20 points (600-700 words)

MODULE 11. What have been the intellectual challenges faced by Conservative Protestants in the last 150 years? Focus on lecture material and the documentary addressing the natural sciences (geology, biology; Darwin, Scope’s Trial) and critical views of the Bible discussed in the lecture (e.g., revised understanding of the Conquest of Canaan; Jesus’ encounter with the money changers in the Temple). 15 points (700 words)

MODULE 11. What is Pentecostalism? When did it arise? What are its basic characteristics? Why do you think this expression of religion is attractive to people? 10 points (300-350 words)

Extra Credit Option. Answer 1 only; note the different points assigned.  美国宗教代考

Apply the Lofland and Stark “interactionist theory” to members of the Peoples Temple. How applicable is it? (7 points)

What has been the most important “take away” from this course? Share with me your insights and convictions. (5 points)

Explain the beginning and ending myths of the Nation of Islam proposed by Elijah Muhammad. (6 points)


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