物理作业代写-PHYS 1030代写-Physics代写

物理作业代写-PHYS 1030代写-Physics代写

PHYS 1030
TITLE: General Physics 2

物理作业代写 Students who are unable to meet a course requirement due to medical circumstances are currently not required to submit medical notes.

Email communications about this course must originate from a University of Manitoba email account (e.g. an address with @umanitoba.ca or @myumanitoba.ca) and have PHYS 1030 in the subject line. We will endeavour to reply to an email concerning this course within 24 to 72 hours of receipt. Any email communication about the laboratory should include the lab section in the subject line.   物理作业代写

Students enrolled in this course must ensure they satisfy the following minimum technological requirements:

-A computing device where one can create and editdocuments,

-An internet connection capable of streaming videos and downloading software,and

-Access to a web-cam and microphone.

Materials for the course will be delivered through UM Learn.

LABS/TUTORIALS Remote Learning  物理作业代写

The first Laboratory in PHYS 1030 is in the week of February 1-5, 2021. All labs and tutorials will be held online via Zoom sessions with details announced in your laboratory sections on UM Learn. All students should review, have available, and be familiar with the PHYS 1030 Laboratory Manual material posted on UM Learn prior to attending the labs.

The schedule of laboratory activities is provided on page 5 of this document. Dr. Ruth Cameron (Room: 217 Allen Building, Ph: 204 474 9378, [email protected]) and Andriy Yamchuk (Room: 401 Allen Building, Ph: 204 474 9214, [email protected]) will be co-ordinating the laboratory.

The lab sections are:

B01   Tuesday  8:30-11:30 am
B02  Tuesday  11:30-2:30 pm
B03  Tuesday  2:30-5:30 pm
B04 Wednesday  8:30-11:30 am
B05 Wednesday  11:30-2:30 pm
B06  Wednesday  2:30-5:30 pm


Cutnell, J.D. and Johnson, K. W., Physics, 11th edition (Wiley)

Registration code for WileyPLUS (free with new copies of the textbook at the bookstore)

PHYS 1030 Laboratory Manual 2021, available via UM Learn

iClicker – This system will be used to enhance problem solving and discussion during lectures.


Laboratory reports (5) 25%
Class Participation (iClicker) 6%
Homework** 9%
In-Class Quizzes 20%
Final exam 40%
Total 100%

 The schedule of lab reports, tutorial tests, midterm and final exam are detailed in the attached schedule table. The marks of the lab reports, tutorial tests, midterm and final exam will be posted online within one week of the scheduled labs, tests and exams. A sufficient percentage of the total mark including at least 2 lab reports, 2 tutorial tests and the midtem test will be provided to the students before the Voluntary Withdrawal deadline. The final grades will be posted on the course website and submitted to Aurora by the grade submission deadline.

NOTE: Students having taken PHYS 1030 within the last 2 years MAY APPLY for an exemption from the laboratory component of the course in 2021,

provided that their performance in the laboratory exceeded a minimum standard of 80% averaged over all labs. To apply for an exemption, students MUST complete the exemption request form available on the Physics and Astronomy Departmental Website and follow the instructions provided following submission of the form. This form must be completed by January 29, 2021. Students who receive an exemption will have their previous laboratory mark credited directly towards the 2021 mark for PHYS 1030, as outlined above.  物理作业代写

** 9% of the final grade will be awarded for homework problems, using the WileyPLUS online learning and evaluation system. WileyPLUS is designed to provide helpful feedback to students on problem-solving and to provide hints to guide them to the correct answer. Problem assignments will be due each week. Details will be announced in class and on the course web site. 

The preliminary low-numerical-boundaries for the letter grades:

A+ 90%
A 80%
B+ 75%
B 70%
C+ 65%
C 60%
D 50%

 Note that the final numerical boundary for each letter grade may be slightly adjusted depending on the total mark distribution of the class but no student’s final grade will be reduced due to the boundary adjustment.


Grading Accommodation for Fall 2020 and Winter 2021  物理作业代写

Students may choose to exclude from their UM GPA either:

a.up to one (1) grade received in Fall term, and up to one (1) grade received in Winter term,or

b.up to one (1) grade received in a spanned course which runs through both Fall and Winter

The adjusted GPA resulting from exclusion of one or two grades will be used for all GPA-based performance requirements including program progression, probation, suspension, and requirements to withdraw, and to determine eligibility for UM bursaries and scholarships.  物理作业代写

The ‘excluded’ grade would remain on the UM transcript and would be used for progression and prerequisite requirements that specifically reference minimum letter grade requirements.

Students will have until the end of Winter term 2021 to make their exclusion decisions.


Five laboratory reports (see attached schedule)

Two In-Class Quizzes March 5, 2021 and March 31, 2021 online, during class time.

Final exam April-May, to be scheduled by Student Records, Online  


If you cannot attend one of the in-class quizzes for a legitimate reason, the weighting of the other quiz will be increased accordingly. If both quizzes cannot be attended for verifiable, legitimate reasons, the weighting of the final exam will be increased to 60%.


Attendance at all laboratory sessions is mandatory. Students should come to the lab ON TIME and listen to the introduction. Students coming more than 15 minutes late will not be allowed to do the experiment. Special circumstances might be considered.

In order to pass the course, students are required to complete at least four out of the five experiments scheduled in the laboratory sessions,however, ALL five experiments count towards the final lab mark.Credit for a completed lab requires that a lab report be submitted. Email submissions are not accepted under any circumstance. Students will receive instruction and assistance in completing their experiments in the scheduled Zoom lab sessions.  物理作业代写

Laboratory reports are generally due one week after the end of the laboratory period, and must be submitted into an online assignment folder which can be found in UM Learn. Reports must be submitted as Excel files, and with required images in jpg or png format. Reports submitted up to 24 hours late will receive a 30% late penalty, after that time the assignment folder will close and no more submissions will be accepted. Late submission of images will incur a 10% penalty. Reports will not be graded without the required images. More details are posted on your UM Learn lab section. If you are unable to complete your report due to a medical reason, you must contact Dr. Cameron within 48 hours of the due date for the report. All email to Dr. Cameron must include student name, student number, name of course and specific lab section.


Students who are unable to meet a course requirement due to medical circumstances are currently not required to submit medical notes. However, students are required to contact their instructor or academic advisor by email to inform of the missed work and make arrangements for extensions, deferrals, or make- up assignments. Please follow these guidelines, if you are unable to meet an academic requirement for your courses.

  • Contact your instructor for term work such as a class, quiz, midterm/test, assignment,lab;
  • Contact an advisor in your faculty of registration for a missed final exam (scheduled in the final examinationperiod);  物理作业代写
  • Inform your instructor/advisor as soon as possible, do not delay. Note for final exams,students must contact within 48 hours of the date of the final exam.
  • Email your instructor/advisor from a U of M email address, and include your full name, student number, course number, and academic work that was missed within 48 hours of the date of the missed examination.

Please note that circumstances that result in missing multiple course assignments/tests/classes may require medical documentation (e.g., Authorized Withdrawal, Tuition Fee Appeal, Leave of Absence, or accessibility-related accommodations). Students are advised to speak with an advisor in their faculty/college/school of registration in this case.


Perhaps the most important thing you will learn from this course is how to think logically and solve problems. This is an important skill that can be applied to any subsequent area of study. Solving problems yourself and discussing them with your instructor and your classmates is the best way to learn.

A list of recommended problems will be announced in lectures and posted on the course web page. You should solve as many of the recommended problems as possible, attempting them as the material is discussed in class. Be cautioned that reading solutions prepared by someone else is no substitute for working them out yourself. Note that numerical answers for odd numbered questions and problems are given in the back of the textbook. If you have extra time, it is always advisable to work on additional problems from the textbook. Note also that previous years tests and solutions are provided for your reference on the course website.

Additional aids to solving problems and understanding the important concepts are available via Wiley Plus.

Accessing WileyPlus  物理作业代写

Instructions on how to register and use WileyPLUS will be given in class and on the course website. A registration code is required to access the WileyPLUS site, so if you purchased your registration code with your textbook make sure you dont lose it! If you have a second-hand copy of the text, you will have to purchase your registration code separately; this can be done online by following the instructions at http://www.wiley.com/college/fdoc/, or at the customer service centre in the bookstore.


If you are a student with a disability, please contact SAS for academic accommodation supports and services such as note-taking, interpreting, assistive technology and exam accommodations. Students who have, or think they may have, a disability (e.g. mental illness, learning, medical, hearing, injury-related, visual) are invited to contact SAS to arrange a confidential consultation.

Student Accessibility Services

520 University Centre


A Schedule A document is posted on the UM Learn. This is a Policy and Resource Document with information on various University and Unit policies regarding academic integrity, student discipline, and respectful learning environment, for example, and on academic and student supports that are available, including a statement regarding mental health with referral information to the Student Counselling Centre and University Health Services.


We recognize that these are unusual circumstances, and that there are some adjustments needed when working virtually. At the same time, we do want to remind you that University policies, such as the Respectful Work and Learning Environment policy, still apply, as do basic expectations around how students will engage with each other, and with the University. This means that when participating in classes, online meetings, etc., students are expected to behave professionally, and follow the same basic norms as they would in person, such as being clothed, not being impaired, and participating respectfully. Essentially, if you wouldn’t do it in an in-person class, don’t do it in virtual setting.

Section 2.5(c) of the Student Non-Academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviour Procedure (https://umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/media/Student_Non- Academic_Misconduct_and_Concerning_Behaviour_Procedure_-_2018_09_01.pdf).


Academic integrity is taking responsibility for and being honest with your work and respecting the work of others. Since you are a member of the university community, we want you to learn what that responsibility and honesty entails and how we respect the work of others.

The Faculty of Science continues to uphold high standards of academic integrity. We know that you, our students, support us in this and we count on each and every one of you to do your part. We will continue to ensure no one is using Covid-19 circumstances as a means to gain an unfair advantage over their fellow students. Thus, as with standard in-person examinations, we expect all students to strictly adhere to instructions from their professors regarding what resources can and cannot be used during the exams, to follow other rules the professors wish to set, and to adhere to the academic conduct standards of the University and Faculty.  物理作业代写

To aid professors in assuring that all forms of assessments have been administered fairly, the University will be electronically monitoring all tests, quizzes and examinations, included, but not limited to overseeing chat-rooms, relevant predatory web-sites and, in so doing, we will analyze scholastic evidence of individual exams.

Please view information with regards to academic integrity: be aware; be proactive; be smart and be honest.

Academic Integrity Message from Associate Dean Krystyna Koczanski: https://youtu.be/Ok-lilm4SeE

The Student Discipline By-Law may be accessed at: http://umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/media/Student_Discipline_Bylaw_-_2009_01_01.pdf

The list of suggested minimum penalties assessed by the Faculty of Science for acts of academic dishonesty is available on the Faculty of Science webpage: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/science/resources/Acad_Dishon_TABLE_RevCSS_AdminC_Jul2012_WEB.pdf

All Faculty members (and their teaching assistants) have been instructed to be vigilant and report all incidents of academic dishonesty to the Head of the Department.



(University of Manitoba Undergraduate Calendar, General Academic Regulations, Academic Integrity)

To plagiarize is to take ideas or words of another person and pass them off as one’s own. In short, it is stealing something intangible rather than an object. Obviously it is not necessary to state the source of well known or easily verifiable facts, but students are expected to acknowledge the sources of ideas and expressions they use in their written work, whether quoted directly or paraphrased.

This applies to diagrams, statistical tables and the like, as well as to written material, and materials or information from Internet sources. To provide adequate documentation is not only an indication of academic honesty but also a courtesy which enables the reader to consult these sources with ease. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism. It will also be considered plagiarism and/or cheating if a student submits a term paper written in whole or in part by someone other than him/herself, or copies the answer or answers of another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment.

Plagiarism or any other form of cheating in examinations or term tests (e.g., crib notes) is subject to serious academic penalty (e.g. suspension or expulsion from the faculty or university). A student found guilty of contributing to cheating in examinations or term assignments is also subject to serious academic penalty.


Please respect copyright. We will use copyrighted content in this course. University guidelines state that copyrighted works, including those created by me, are made available for private study and research and must not be distributed in any format without permission. Since it is illegal, do not upload copyrighted works to a learning management system (such as UM Learn), or any website, unless an exception to the Copyright Act applies or written permission has been confirmed. For more

information, see the University’s Copyright Office website at http://umanitoba.ca/copyright/ or contact [email protected] .


(University of Manitoba Undergraduate Calendar, General Academic Regulations, Final Examinations)

A student who arranges for another individual to undertake or write any nature of examination for and on his/her behalf, as well as the individual who undertakes or writes the examination, will be subject to discipline under the university’s Student Discipline Bylaw, which could lead to suspension or expulsion from the university. In addition, the Canadian Criminal Code treats the personation of a candidate at a competitive or qualifying examination held at a university as an offence punishable by summary conviction. Section 362 of the Code provides:

Personation at Examination

Every one who falsely, with intent to gain advantage for him/herself or some other person, personatesacandidate at a competitive or qualifying examination held under the authority of law or in connection with a university, college or school or who knowingly avails him/herself of the results of such personation is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. 1953- 54,c.51,s.347.

Both the personator and the individual who avails him/herself of the personation could be found guilty. Summary conviction could result in a fine being levied or up to two years of imprisonment.


The Faculty of Science and The University of Manitoba regard acts of academic dishonesty in quizzes, tests, examinations, laboratory reports or assignments as serious offences and may assess a variety of penalties depending on the nature of the offence.

Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to bringing unauthorized materials into a test or exam, copying from another individual, using answers provided by tutors, plagiarism, and examination personation.

Note: cell phones, pagers, PDAs, MP3 units or electronic translators are explicitly listed as unauthorized materials, and must not be present during tests or examinations.

Penalties that may apply, as provided for under the University of Manitoba’s Student Discipline ByLaw, range from a grade of zero for the assignment or examination, failure in the course, to expulsion from the University. The Student Discipline ByLaw may be accessed at:  物理作业代写


The Faculty of Science guidelines on plagiarism and cheating and suggested minimum penalties are available at:

http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/science/resources/Acad_Dishon_TABLE_RevCSS_AdminC_Jul2012_WEB. pdf

All Faculty members (and their teaching assistants) have been instructed to be vigilant and report all incidents of academic dishonesty to the Head of the Department.


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