分析编程作业代写-Python代写-Programming for Analytics代写

分析编程作业代写-Python代写-Programming for Analytics代写

National, State, and County Level Analysis of COVID-19

分析编程作业代写 The HW involves three data sources: 1) total reported COVID-19 cases over time, 2) state level geometry shapes, and county level geometry shapes.

Instructions  分析编程作业代写

The HW involves three data sources: 1) total reported COVID-19 cases over time, 2) state level geometry shapes, and county level geometry shapes. The primary python libraries will be pandas, geopandas, matplotlib, and contextily – additional libraries may be included as needed.

Portions of python code from previous assignments may be used. All variables must be appropriately named. Descriptive abbreviations for variable names are acceptable but one letter variable names should not be used. Your code should be clearly written so that it can be seamlessly reviewed by the instructor. Similarly, the output should be clear/labeled. Provide comments within your code as needed.     分析编程作业代写

Organize your Jupyter Notebook file to include each problem’s code within one cell followed by its output. For each problem in Part 1 and Part 2, provide a code cell detailing the problem number and problem statement as a comment, followed by your code and output.


Open a new Jupyter Notebook file for the HW. then include the following code:

import os


In the second code cell, provide all the import statements (python libraries) that you will use for the HW.


PART 1     分析编程作业代写

Use this link to load the COVID-19 data: https://github.com/babdelfa/project/blob/main/covid19_project.csv?raw=true

  1. What is the total number of reported COVID-19 cases in the USA?
  2. What is the total number of reported COVID-19 cases for Virginia?
  3. Provide a bar chart displaying the new reported COVID-19cases in Virginia over the last 10 days.
  4. Find the three Virginia counties with the highest reported COVID-19 cases in descending order.    分析编程作业代写
  5. Find when each of the three Virginia counties (from problem 4) reported their highest number of new COVID-19 cases in a day.
  6. Provide a figure with one subplot that shows three plotted lines – one for each county from problem 4. Each line represents the county’s total reported COVID-19 cases over time.
  7. Find the total and average number of newCOVID-19 cases reported in October 2021 for Fairfax, Virginia.

PART 2  分析编程作业代写

Provide a choropleth map highlighting the three counties from problem 4. The choropleth map is to project each county’s most recent total reported COVID-19 cases.

  • Include a basemap using the contextily library.
  • Do not use mapclassify for the legend display.
  • Set cmap parameter to ‘hot_r’ for the choropleth map.
  • Do not display the x-axis and y-axis.
  • Provide an appropriate figure title.

The shape files for states and counties are provided in Note #3 below.

Sample of Choropleth Map Output:


  1. HWGrade: Part 1 is worth 70 points; Part 2 is worth 30 points.
  2. COVID-19 Data: The COVID-19 dataset contains the total (cumulative) reported cases by US counties over time. Depending on the problem, the data may need to be aggregated/grouped to a higher level (e.g., state-level focus, or national-level focus). Also, derived data will be necessary if the problem relates to new cases rather than cumulative cases for a given time period.  分析编程作业代写
  3. Choropleth Map: For Part 2, the first layer of the choropleth map will be the specific state of interest, followed by the second layer containing the counties of interest and their respective cases. The two github links below contain the zip files for county shapes and state shapes. You may load them to your notebook from your local computer as shown in the instructor video in Module 10. Alternatively, you can use import fsspec and load the shape files using the github links without having to download the zip files.


  1. https://github.com/babdelfa/gis/blob/main/counties_geometry.zip?raw=true
  2. https://github.com/babdelfa/gis/blob/main/state_geometry.zip?raw=true

Example using import fsspec:

  1. Blackboard Submission: Although it is required for Blackboard submission to have one code cell for each problem, this does not mean that you must work on each problem in this manner while figuring out the solution. It will be best to work out each problem piece by piece or cell by cell, then consolidate your code for the problem into one cell. Restart the kernel and do a fresh run to display the output.


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