



运营管理final代写 Once the diagrammatic analysis is done with the help of tools, I will once again have a closer view on the top most problems.

1.You have been hired as an external consultant to improve processes at a business.  运营管理final代写

You are unfamiliar with exactly how the work is currently done but are intimately familiarwith process charting techniques and data analysis tools. What is your approach to improving your customer’s processes and why? What process documenting/measuring/monitoring tools might you use in your work and why? Is there a general sequence for use of these tools and why should you use them in the sequence you specify?

Ans: As I am currently unaware as to how work is exactly done, I should go through the companies “Blue Print”. This is an operational planning tool which will help me to look into the different channels inside the company, will give me how things and services are delivered, will give me a briefing on the staff, infrastructure and different support systems. In addition this tool gives me the picture of what is currently happening in the company. After collecting this data, I would use my “Data Analysis Tools” like Bar charts, scattered diagrams, Pie Charts and conduct an analysis. This analysis would state the current problems in the process in the form of the above mentioned tools.  运营管理final代写

Once the diagrammatic analysis is done with the help of tools, I will once again have a closer view on the top most problems. The next step would be to solve the biggest problem or the major problem which the process has. I would collect additional data if necessary for my analysis to go right. Yes, I would definitely follow this sequence in order to give my best shot. Because I should have a clear picture of what is going on and how things go on. Then have to take necessary actions and provide action plans for the problems. If I do not follow sequence, for sure I would be a failure.


2. It is been said that not every workstation should be busy all the time in an efficient organization.  运营管理final代写

Explain your thoughts on whether this is true or not and, based on your answer, what management actions you would take in managing your personnel to ensure they were productive, motivated, and challenged.

Ans: Yes I totally agree with the statement that “Every workstation need not be busy all the time in an efficient organization”. Firstly it depends on the nature of work and type of organization. Let us consider the example of a “Restaurant”. If the restaurant is busy, all the working departments are busy working such as cooking department busy in cooking, waiters busy in taking orders, serving and cleaning, door man busy greeting customers and reception busy attending phone related to business orders and other. Reverse happens if the restaurant is not busy.  运营管理final代写

Let us consider the example of case study “National Cranberry Corporation”. The plant was huge with thousands of workforce. All workers were busy when truck deliveries were on time, had enough stuff to transport from one place to another. On the other hand, some of the departments were idle if the trucks waited in queue for long time due to lack of storage space, no holding bins and etc. Let us consider the example of a “Customer Service Department in a bank”. The employees are busy working if they have enough customers waiting in the banking center and reverse is the situation when there are no customers.

Following are the management actions which I would focus on.


-Effective and Efficient Planning inadvance

-Effective Communication

-Focus more on important activities which are duefirst

-Scheduling the workforce in a timely manner to avoiddiscrepancies  运营管理final代写

-Measuring the work load and the capacity of each individual to handle the work

-Monitoring and dividing the work accordingly so that every employee is kept busy no matter which type of industry.

-Having alternatives in terms of delays, disruptions and in peak situations this includes even if employees have no work and are idle. Conducting reviews, quality sessionsand etc

-Well organized workforce atmosphere

-Strong and valid solutions

3.It has been said that “If you configure and order a MacBook computer online, your order is sent electronically to the Quanta Shanghai Manufacturing City in China.  运营管理final代写

This area around Shanghai is the notebook computer manufacturing capital of the world, an industrial clusterthat is home not only to assemblers, but also to an army of companies that provide components such as flat panel displays, circuit modules, and keyboards. Your MacBook – one of the million computers the Quanta factory produces each week – leaves the factory several days later and travels to Shanghai Pudong Airport, where it is loaded onto a cargo flight to Anchorage,

Alaska. In Anchorage it passes through a third-party logistics (3PL) import hub on its way to your home or business. By the time it reaches you, your MacBook has passed through the hands of many organizations, but nowhere along the way did an Apple employee touch it.”

Using the concepts we’ve discussed throughout the term, explain what is happening with regard to Apple’s approach to manufacturing and supplying this MacBook, why Apple is taking this approach, and what management concerns you might have if you are an Apple manager. What provisions would you put in place to ensure that the processes are effective and ensure customer satisfaction?


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