Biology for Non-Science Maj I
生物学网课代修 This course will be delivered online with no required face-to-face sessions within the course and no on-campus activity requirements.
Meeting Times
Course Description
Lecture: Provides a survey of biological principles with an emphasis on humans, including chemistry of life, cells, structure, function,and reproduction.Lab: Laboratory activities will reinforce a survey of biological principles with an emphasis on humans, including chemistry of life, cells, structure, function, and reproduction.Lab required. 4 credit hours. (A)
Caution. This is an accelerated course, please review the term dates. The same content is covered regardless of term length. As such,students should expect to spend additional personal study time in this accelerated course compared to a course with a longer term length.This course will be delivered online with no required face-to-face sessions within the course and no on-campus activity requirements. Additional requirements may include test proctoring with student authentication,a desktop or laptop computer (not a mobile device), webcam, and/or microphone. Information and updates regarding online proctored exams can be found here: 生物学网课代修 We recommend you check for updates prior to the start of your course.Your registration fee includes the required electronic materials already loaded in your Canvas course. You may opt-out for a refund. However, they will not be available at a lower retail price.For up to date information on the College’s COVID-19 protocols:
Contact Information 生物学网课代修
The best way to contact me is by email.
I will respond within 24-48 hours, except Sundays. All emails sent after 4 pm will receive a response the following day.
Office Hours
Office (Tutoring) Hours: Tuesdays from 1-3 pm
Open zoom office hours are Tuesdays from 1-3 pm. Students are encouraged to pop into zoom anytime between 1-3:00 pm to ask questions, review for the exams, or get help of any kind.
I am also available for individual appointments via zoom. Please schedule an appointment by emailing Dr. Johnson at [email protected]
Please check the home page of your canvas class for the zoom link and password.
Course Resources
The textbook (eText) and online resources are all included in this course already!!
You do not need to buy any other course materials unless you want a paper copy of the book which you will request through Pearson Mastering ($54.99, with free shipping to your home).
Please follow the instructions posted in canvas to access the eText. You can use the “Course Materials” tab to access both the eText and the Courseware throughout the semester as well as the links in the modules. We will not be using the MyLab and Mastering courseware for required assignments. However, you will be able to access the content in this program for extra practice and study resources, remember it is already included in the course!
Supplies 生物学网课代修
There are no additional supplies required for lecture as the Course Materials contains the eText and Mastering program that students purchased when registering for the course.
The canvas course modules may also include pre-recorded lectures, animations, you-tube videos, power point notes and other resources to aid student comprehension.
Course Policies
PLEASE READ: This course is fast paced in that it covers the same material typically taught in 16 weeks, compressed into 5 weeks.
You are expected to learn 3-4 chapters per week for lecture. There are no major projects, but it is content intensive. There are lecture videos, reading assignments, and homework to support the lecture portion of the course. The lab portion of this class is designed to reinforce concepts taught in lecture but also requires multiple online, interactive labs each week.
Participation in the course is based on completion of online assignments and through discussion replies and/or comments. Learning biology requires both preparation and participation in all course activities. The more students put into the class, the more they will get out of it. Make sure to fully engage in both lecture and lab, read all announcements fully, log into Canvas often, respond to classmates’posts, complete the homework activities by hand.
- Standards of courtesy and respect must be maintained at all times in the online “classroom.” Please remember that this is still a “classroom” setting and that respect and consideration are crucial for any intellectual discussion or interaction.
- Discussion areas are the place for intelligent and respectful airing of ideas. Name-calling and personal attacks are not permitted.
- Any violation of the standards of appropriate behavior online will be reported to the Dean of Students and the college will take appropriate disciplinary action.
Extra credit is available in the form of extra points on numerous assignments, including homework, quizzes, and exams. However there will not be any extra credit assignments provided. 生物学网课代修
This online course is organized into 4 major sections with weekly due dates for all assignments determined by the instructor to keep students on track and progressing through the course and the semester. All assignment due dates are listed in the syllabus calendar and in the Canvas course. Students have multiple days to complete the assignments, as such students are expected to manage their time to complete assignments. It is recommended that students do NOT wait until the last minute to complete assignments, as technical issues or submissions that are even a few minutes past the due date will be late. It is the student’s responsibility to check the due dates, to pace themselves and stay on task with assignments.
Late Work
Students are allowed two “late passes” in the lecture portion of this course. Each pass will be accepted in exchange for no penalty on any homework assignment, discussion, or quiz. To use a late pass, students must email the instructor as to which assignment they would like to apply a pass. This will allow students to complete the assignment until 11:59pm on July 6. Once the two late passes have been used, the late penalty for additional late homework, quizzes or discussions is:
- Late quizzes will be allowed for a maximum score of up to 70% if completed by July 6.
- Late discussions will be allowed for a maximum score of up to 70% if completed by July 6.
- Late Homework will be worth up to 70% if completed by July 6.
Please note: late passes cannot be used for exams. Make-up exams require approval by the instructor. Requests for a make-up must be made within 48 hours of the due date. Requests for a make-up must be made within 48 hours of the due date. Missed exams must be taken within one week of the original due date and will be allowed for a maximum score of 70%. Note that all assignments must be completed by July 7 due to Collin College’s deadlines for grade submission. 生物学网课代修
Exams and Quizzes are timed assignments and students only have 1 attempt for each exam and quiz. It is the student’s responsibility to read and follow the instructions carefully. Students are NOT to navigate away from the quiz or exam while taking it, each navigation away will result in 1 point deductions or may result in a loss of credit for the exam.
This means NO google searches,listening to music, chatting, responding to emails or texts, etc.
Students who navigate away from a quiz or exam more than 5 times will be submitted to the Dean of Students for Scholastic Dishonesty and/or Cheating. Quizzes and exams are to be completed on an individual basis, any collusion will be submitted to the Dean of Students for scholastic dishonesty (Collusion includes working together, sharing content or information, or discussing the quiz or exam with other students prior to the due date).
Students are encouraged to use their practice activity to complete the quizzes.
Students may make a single 1 page (8.5 x 11) set of notes to complete the exam and must submit a picture/scan of the page of notes with their exam. The exam is timed at 60 minutes to complete the 45-50 question exam and students are expected to study and prepare, the single page of notes are a reference and students will not have enough time to be looking up answers or flipping through multiple pages of notes.
The course includes the following types of assignments: 生物学网课代修
Homework Practice Activities are word document assignments in canvas for each chapter. The practice activity is to be completed while reading the book and watching the lecture recording(s). Students can download or print the document to complete it and then will upload the completed document in canvas. The completed practice activity homework will receive participation credit of 5 points per activity if completed (less if incomplete or missing). These practice activities can be used as a resource when taking the weekly quiz, but must be printed out as students canNOT navigate away from the quiz. One practice activity will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Discussions will be assigned on the chapter topics through the discussion tool in canvas. These discussions are graded, mainly based on participation (so answer all questions)! Students will be required to make a post and answer the questions prior to seeing other students’ responses. Each student must make their first post 1 day prior to the due date to allow other students to comment. Participation (answers, replies, and comments) in the discussion are required for credit points on the discussions. Each discussion is worth 25 points. NONE of the discussions will be dropped as they are an important way for students to engage and interact in the class and to connect the content to real world applications.
will be given through canvas (online). There is one quiz per chapter, for a total of 12 quizzes. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. The quizzes are to help practice recollection and comprehension prior to taking the exam. The quizzes are NOT proctored using Honorlock, however students cannot navigate away or look up information from the book/google as doing so will result in deductions as stated above. Students are encouraged to print out the learning activities to use as a resource when taking the quiz. The quiz is timed and students only have 15 minutes to complete the 10 point quiz, so students must study and prepare prior to starting the quiz.
Exams: There are 4 major exams required this semester. Exams will be completed online and will be available for 48 hours prior to the deadline. Make up exams will only be granted in extraordinary circumstances, such as a hospitalized illness (for the entire 72 hour window in which the exam is available), or death in the immediate family. Appropriate, verifiable documentation must be supplied before any make-up exam will be scheduled. An optional cumulative final exam is available at the end of the semester and may be used to replace a low or missing exam grade (but will not be allowed to substitute for a 0 due to Scholastic Dishonesty). 生物学网课代修
Students should email the instructor with any questions or concerns as soon as they arise. Please don’t wait until deadlines have passed or it is too late to remedy the situation. The instructor will respond to email within 24-48 hours (not on Sundays or holidays).
Email Policy: Emails to the instructor should be sent via Canvas or from student’s Collin email account. The instructor will NOT respond to emails sent from outside of these accounts (such as gmail, yahoo, etc.), as it is a violation of Collin College policies and security. Students should expect to receive an email response within 24-48 hours Monday-Saturday. Please note that emails sent after 4 pm or on Sunday will not likely receive a response until the following day.
All grades are posted within 1 week of the due date. The Canvas grade book is set up to calculate the student’s grade throughout the semester. Please email the instructor with any questions about any grades, how assignments are graded, or how to calculate the course or lecture grade. 生物学网课代修
Scholastic Dishonesty:
Every member of the Collin College community is expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Collin College may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts, or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree, and/or the submission as one’s own work material that is not one’s own. Scholastic dishonesty may involve, but is not limited to, one or more of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, use of annotated texts or teacher’s editions, use of information about exams posted on the Internet or electronic medium, and/or falsifying academic records.
(See the current Collin Student Handbook for additional information.) For this course, ALL assignments, discussions, quizzes, papers and exams are to be completed INDIVIDUALLY. Students who are suspected of violating the scholastic dishonesty policy will be referred to the Deans of Students’office for an investigation. Penalties for academic dishonesty violations will depend on the severity of the offense, including but not limited to receiving a 0 on the assignment, having the final course grade reduced by one or more letter grades, and/or receiving an F in the course.
Withdrawal Policy 生物学网课代修
The last day to withdraw is6/20/23.
You are limited as to the number of “W”s that you can incur on your transcript. Be very careful to consider the time required to be successful in this course as well as your other course commitments, work, and family responsibilities that you may have. You may read the complete detail on the new withdrawal policy at
Free tutoring is offered through the college. Please visit
( to view the schedule for tutoring in Biology 1406.
The syllabus is subject to change per the instructors discretion or due to weather or other extenuating circumstances. Any updates or changes will be posted in the announcements in Canvas.
Method of Evaluation 生物学网课代修
Overall course grade: Lecture 70%, lab 30%
- 4 major exams = 40%
- 11 best Quizzes = 15%
- Discussions = 10%.
- Homework Practice Activities = 5%
Lab: 30%
4 Exams are worth 100 points each. Lecture exams are in multiple formats including multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, and short written answer. The exams will cover material in the text and lecture topics as assigned (Ex. Exam 1 covers chapters 1-3). The cumulative final can be used in place of a low or missing grade as only the 4 best exam grades will be counted toward the final lecture average. Note: exams grades that are assigned based on resolution with the Dean of Students cannot be replaced. All Exams are available for 2 days and must be completed by the assigned date at 11:59 pm. 生物学网课代修
Quizzes are 10 points each, and are given online through canvas. The quizzes are to evaluate student knowledge between exams, to ensure students are reading the required material and watching lecture recordings, and also to provide practice questions similar to the exams. There will be 12 quizzes, one for each chapter. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. The quizzes are timed at 15 minutes,students are expected to study and prepare for the quiz prior to starting the quiz. Navigations away will count as a 1 point deduction each. The quizzes are not proctored and students are allowed to use their completed homework practice activity as a resource.
There will be 1 discussions per unit (prior to each exam) that will help students review and apply the content. Each discussion is worth 25 points. These discussions are to engage students in the content and to think critically about the course concepts in relation to real world scenarios or applications. The discussions include questions for students to answer and then comment/reply on other students posts to help connect the concepts and prepare them for the quiz or exam. Students MUST make their first post at least 1 day before the due date or they will lose 10 points credit as other students need to have time to respond/reply. All discussions due dates are listed in the syllabus and Canvas calendar.
Homework: These Practice Activity documents are participation based, and so if they are completed and submitted through the assignment in canvas, students will receive 5 points. Answer keys to the practice activities will be available in the exam module after the due date for students to review and check their work. Students are to complete the practice activities while reading the book and/or watching the lecture recording. Incomplete practice activities will be given partial credit accordingly (ex. if only 50% complete,students will receive 2.5 points).
All grades will be posted within 1 week of the assignment due date.
Grading System 生物学网课代修
Please remember that the overall Biol 1408 grade is a combination of both lecture (70%) and lab (30%)
Grading Scheme:
89.5-100% A
79.5-89.4% B
69.5-79.4% C
59.5-69.4% D
59.4% and below F
At the end of the semester, grading scale may be adjusted to better reflect the grade distribution specific to this course.
Course Calendar
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:Lecture1. Distinguish between prokaryotic, eukaryotic, plant and animal cells,and identify major cell structures.2. Identify stages of the cell cycle, mitosis (plant and animal), and meiosis.3. Interpret results from cell physiology experiments involving movement across membranes, enzymes, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration.4. Apply genetic principles to predict the outcome of genetic crosses and statistically analyze results.5. Describe karyotyping, pedigrees, and biotechnology and provide an example of the uses of each.6. Identify parts of a DNA molecule, and describe replication, transcription, and translation.7. Analyze evidence for evolution and natural selection.Lab1. Apply scientific reasoning to investigate questions, and utilize scientific tools such as microscopes and laboratory equipment to collect and analyze data. (Teamwork)
2. Use critical thinking and scientific problem-solving to make informed decisions in the laboratory.
(Critical Thinking Skills)3. Communicate effectively the results of scientific investigations. (Communication Skills) 4. Distinguish between prokaryotic, eukaryotic, plant and animal cells, and identify major cell structures.5. Identify stages of the cell cycle, mitosis (plant and animal), and meiosis.6. Interpret results from cellphysiology experiments involving movement across membranes, enzymes, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration.7. Apply genetic principles to predict the outcome of genetic crosses and statistically analyze results. (Empirical and Quantitative Skills)8. Identify the importance of karyotypes, pedigrees, and biotechnology.9. Identify parts of a DNA molecule, and describe replication, transcription,and translation.10. Analyze evidence for evolution and natural selection.
Institutional Policies
Collin College has a passion for Learning, Service and Involvement, Creativity and Innovation, Academic Excellence, Dignity and Respect, and Integrity. For more information about Collin College’s mission, vision, and core values, please go to ( 生物学网课代修
All policies, guidelines, and procedures in the Collin College Catalog (, Collin CollegeBoard Policies (, and the Collin College Student Handbook( are applicable to this course.
To learn more about how you can reduce cybersecurity risks, please visit
Americans with Disabilities Act
Collin College provides reasonable accommodations to afford equal educational opportunities to all people, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) (, Americans with Disabilities Act and Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) (, and Section 504 ( of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ( Students requesting accommodations under these provisions should contact Collin College’s Accommodations at Collin College for Equal Support Services (ACCESS) Office at 972.881.5898 (voice) or [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
Collin College has adopted Blackboard Ally to provide alternative formats of pages and documents in Canvas. You can now download your course files in different formats that fit your device, need, and learning preference. Click the “A download” icon next to your course files to view “Alternative Formats” of your course files. Then select your preferred format. The file may take a few minutes to download, and you can continue with your work while you wait. To learn more about alternative formats offered by Ally, please refer to the Ally Student Help and Alternative Formats( webpage.
Scholastic Dishonesty
To view the Board policies associated with this chapter, go to
Every member of the Collin College community is expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. All work submitted for credit is expected to be the student’s own work. Collin College may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student or program applicant accused of scholastic dishonesty. While specific examples are listed below, this is not an exhaustive list, and scholastic dishonesty may encompass other conduct, including any misconduct through electronic or computerized means. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, one (1) or more of the following acts: 生物学网课代修
includes, but is not limited to, intentionally or unintentionally having access to and/or using unauthorized materials or electronic, digital media, telecommunication, and/or wearable devices (e.g., laptops, phones, smartwatches, Fitbits, Bluetooth devices, tablets) during a quiz or examination; receiving information in an unauthorized manner during a quiz or examination or to complete an assignment; using, buying, selling, soliciting, stealing, or otherwise obtaining course assignments and/or examination questions in advance; using information about exams posted on the internet or in any electronic medium; violating a faculty member’s and/or the Testing Center’s testing policies and procedures; leaving a test site without permission;
failing to secure test materials; removing tests or answer sheets from a test site; using someone else’s work for an assignment in whole or in part as if it were one’s own; submitting academic work in whole or in part for more than one (1) assignment, class, or institution without the faculty member’s permission (i.e., recycling an assignment or self-plagiarism); using annotated texts or teacher’s editions; using software, websites, and/or translation programs to complete an assignment, quiz, or examination without the faculty member’s permission; making false statements or omissions related to applications for enrollment, credit or class work,research, or the award of a degree; falsifying academic records or documents; and attempting to fulfill the requirements of a course through any other dishonest means.
includes, but is not limited to, intentionally or unintentionally aiding or attempting to aid another in an act of scholastic dishonesty; failing to secure academic work; providing an inappropriate level of assistance; collaborating with or communicating answers to a classmate about an examination or course assignment without the faculty member’s permission;and allowing a classmate to copy answers. 生物学网课代修
3.Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, intentionally or unintentionally failing to quote and cite words, information, and/or ideas taken from a source(s) in accordance with a citation style approved by the faculty member and/or inadequately paraphrasing (i.e., patchwriting or mosaic plagiarism). In cases where an incident report has been filed for an alleged violation of scholastic dishonesty, the faculty member will delay posting a grade for the academic work in question until the case is final.
A student found responsible for a scholastic dishonesty offense(s) will receive an appropriate disciplinary penalty or penalties from the District Dean of Students Office. The student may also receive a Scholastic Penalty in the course where the scholastic dishonesty took place. The faculty member will determine the appropriate Scholastic Penalty, which may range from a grade of zero (0) on the assignment to failing the course. For more information, see Chapter 15: Disciplinary Penalties in this Student Code of Conduct.
Academic Etiquette and the College Experience
Students and professors at Collin College share a responsibility to promote, develop, and maintain a positive learning environment. Students are expected to show respect to other students and professors at all times. For more information regarding academic etiquette and the college experience, specifically student academic success and seeking out resources,disruptive use of electronic devices, and tardiness and absences, please refer to the Student Handbook(
Institutional Deadlines
The Census Date is the 12th class day in a standard 16-week semester, or the fourth (4th) class day in 5-week summer sessions.
The census date varies for mini-semesters and express classes. Students are required to attend class prior to the census date.For more information, go to
For more information and withdrawal dates, please go to
Religious Holy Days 生物学网课代修
In accordance with Section 51.911 ( of the Texas Education Code (, Collin College will allow a student who is absent from class for the observance of a religious holy day to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time. Students are required to file a written request with each professor prior to the census date of the course to qualify for an excused absence. A copy of the state rules and procedures regarding holy days is available from the Student and Enrollment Services Offices.
The form for notification of absence from each class under this provision is located at (
For more information, contact Student and Enrollment Services on any campus.
Additional Support
Collin College is dedicated to providing information and support to students. Please click on the following links for more information and to learn about support the College offers: Mental Health Resources (Counseling)(, TimelyCare, ( Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (SOBI) (, Financial
Aid and Veteran Benefits (, Anthony Peterson Center for Academic Assistance ( (Writing Centers( and Math Labs
( and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)( 生物学网课代修
For any other College Academic Policies, please refer to the Collin College Catalog ( or Student Handbook(
Additional Items
Criminal Background Notice
If your program requires a criminal background check, your placement in a required clinical site, cooperative, practicum,internship, and/or licensure/certification opportunity may be impacted. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your program director and check with your licensing/certifying entity, if any, to determine your status.
Web, Blended or Hybrid Class Information
Remote proctoring may be utilized in this course. Information about proctored exams at Collin College can be found here:
Additional Instructor Student Learning Outcomes
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